YEAR B - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

SUNDAY 13 Oct 2024 : WATCH @  LISTEN @ 

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JULY 2022:

Catechism Session July


CatholicYouthCommunity SFA SG 

𝙄𝙩’𝙨 𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡.     Papa Francesco Arrived!!!      

11 Sep 2024 2.15PM SGT[LIVE] Pope Francis Arrives in Singapore | Pope Francis Singapore  12 Sep 2024 9AM SGT[LIVE] Welcome Ceremony at the Parliament House | Pope Francis Singapore   12 Sep 2024 10.30 AM SGT[LIVE] Meeting the Authorities, Civil Society & the Diplomatic Corps | Pope Francis Singapore   12 Sep 2024 2PM SGT[LIVE] Pre-Event Coverage, Prayers, Holy Mass and Celebrations | Pope Francis Singapore  13 Sep 2024 9.15AM SGT[LIVE] Pope Visits the Sick and the Elderly at Saint Theresa’s Home | Pope Francis Singapore  13 Sep 2024 10AM SGT[LIVE] Interreligious Meeting with Young People at CJC | Pope Francis Singapore  

Public Advisory: Trust Only Official Websites for information on Papal Visit and Mass 





Enter our church as St. Francis of Assisi

200 Boon Lay Avenue West District

Enter our church as St. Francis of Assisi

200 Boon Lay Avenue West District


Lent is fast approaching (see what we did.. fast..). What should we do?!? Here are 10 tips by Pope Francis of how to make your lent meaningful this year.

Why do we go to Mary when we can go to Christ Himself? Who is Mary, anyway?

She is the perfect disciple. The Mother of God. Holy Virgin of virgins. Most of all? Our Mother.As Christ hung up on the Cross on Calvary, He gave all of humanity one of the greatest gifts we could ever have received – His own mother. “Seeing his mother and the disciple he loved standing near her, Jesus said to his mother, ‘Woman, this is your son’. Then to the disciple he said, ‘This is your mother’. And from that moment the disciple made a place for her in his home.” (John 19:26-27)
So what are we to do with this gift that we freely receive from our King? Would establishing a relationship with Mary distract us or draw us further away from Christ Himself?”
No. Our Mother is not our focal point. She is but a mirror that reflects the greatness of the source of all beauty and creation. As we establish a relationship with her, all she does is lead us closer to her son. She directs us to Him when we feel lost. She bridges the gaps in our relationship with Jesus, and brings us to Him when we feel too ashamed and unworthy to approach Him. Our Mother loves, protects, and nurtures us, her children. She redeems for Jesus, the souls lost and far away.
Establishing a relationship with Mary in no way takes us away from our relationship with God. In fact, it amplifies our love for Him. As we witness Mary’s own heart of virtue, we have insight into the majesty of God. So let us not be afraid to get to know Our Lady and to allow her to love us as she loves Christ her son. May we be like Christ’s beloved disciple who made a place for her in his home – let us also make room for her in our hearts, so that she may draw us closer and closer towards Christ our Redeemer.


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