"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

 - John 1:1-2

Being part of the Liturgy of the Word, lectors play an active role in the sacred Eucharist celebration through the proclamation of the living Word of God. By doing so prayerfully, lectors are called to facilitate a real encounter with the faithful and God Himself.


-        To provide the parish with dedicated and suitable lectors to proclaim the Word of God as part of the Eucharistic celebration.

-        To proclaim the Word of God for masses offered on Saturdays, Feast Days and other special masses throughout the Liturgical Calendar.

-        To proclaim God’s Word so that the faithful, by listening to the proclamation, may develop love for the Sacred Scripture. (General Instruction of Roman Missal, 2000)

Breaking of Word

As a core component of the ministry, the Breaking of Word is meant to offer means of formation, spiritual growth and deepening of love for the scriptures among ministry members. Our Breaking of Word (consisting of scriptural reflection, understanding and practice in proclamation), is held every Tuesday at 7:45pm. It is led by the ministry’s trainers.

Contacts: For further information, please contact the ministry’s office bearers.


Ministry office bearers

President: Ma Agnes A. Paculdar ( agnes.paculdar@csfaministries.sg )

Vice President: Dominic Kenneth Wee ( dominickenneth.wee@csfaministries.sg )

Secretary: Veronica Low

Treasurer: Vera Sungguhria

Assistant Treasurer: Dulcie Bibianna

PPC Representative and Roster In-charge: Ferdinandus

Support for members’ development:

Trainers: Molly Tan, Ian Lin, Kenneth Wee, Ferdinandus, Agnes Paculdar