Christian Family and Social Movement

The Christian Family and Social Movement

CFSM members meet once a month for sharing about our reality and our life journey of experience as a Lay Apostolate Movement.

Every year we too have formation sessions and social events for our families.

After receiving the sacrament of Confirmation, knowing the role as a Lay person. Filled with the Holy Spirit, fuel to be the Yeast (extend from within), the Salt (to be a witness) and the light (to reach out to others) apart from our own families and wherever we are. By being a living witness spreading the good news at Home, School, Work, Church and Society.

Our founder Cardinal Joseph Cardijn express clearly that, the religious have their own role within the Church community. While,the Laity (Lay people) are uniquely place wherever they are to reach out to those weaker than us. To be responsible towards those in the fringe and being marginalised, The Sacrament of Baptism, The Sacrament Confirmation and the Vatican II Document on the Role of the Laity challenges us to be a living witness. In our daily life to be selfless towards those in need and to be concern for others before self and the environment around us.

Therefore, it’s ideal for all members to understand the basic Social Teaching of The Church. Our role as lay person in our family and society. The Kingly, prophetic and Priestly role and be able to read the sign of time to be a new person to build a new society.


a. To promote among adult people a Lay Apostolate as defined by the teaching of the Catholic Church.

b. To promote among Catholics a consciousness of their role and responsibilities in society whereby they strive to perform their domestic, social and professional duties in a Christian spirit.

c. To work and co-operate with all men in the promotion of whatever is true, just, and charitable for the common good in justice, Peace and charity and respect for human dignity, irrespective of race, creed or culture.

The Mission of CFSM

The members of CFSM work towards building good Christian families because we believe the family is the basic building block of a good society, a good nation.

We, assist all family members in living and fulfilling their various roles in the family, work place, community and nation. The family in the Church in miniature and the apostles of the families are the families themselves.

Contact Person: Francis Mane: Hp 9370 4663